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Fire Extinguishers.... again....

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

It’s 2 years since the rules regarding extinguisher servicing came into force. I thought it might be useful to do another post on what you need to know, and other pointers.

1. Servicing

The key point is all extinguishers must be serviced at least every 2 years, or sooner if the manufacturer states. Be careful of the cheap handhelds that may need to be serviced after 1 year. Also be aware the date is not from when you buy, but from when it’s made. (Agents like myself generally date on despatch).

2. Lead Times

Hopefully motorsport will restart soon after the Coronavirus outbreak is over! Be aware that a lot of competitors who haven't yet had their extinguishers serviced for the first time will be looking to do so as it's two years since a lot of competitors changed their systems. As we get closer to re-opening, expect a queue for servicing.

3. New Criteria

In 2 years time, all plumbed-in systems & all handhelds must meet the new criteria. This applies to new builds already. Part of the new criteria is the plumbed-in have to be FIA homologated. If you get your current extinguisher serviced by an agent not authorised by the manufacturer, this will invalidate the FIA homologation and you are likely to find they won’t service it in future.

4. RRS Systems

One of the biggest challenges I’ve found is there are no service centres for the RRS systems in the UK, despite requesting to become a service centre for them, they want them all to go back to France. The problem is, a fire extinguisher cannot simply be posted, it is classified as a dangerous goods. Posting overseas becomes even more dangerous and expensive.

Whilst I cannot service them, I have had agreement from Lifeline to offer a trade-in on systems like this. I will post about this separately.

If you do need to post your extinguisher to the manufacturer or their agent, please watch for a follow up post.


If you are using an FIA Homologated extinguisher not filled with AFFF (most likely Novec), please be aware they may be FIA approved, but not for rallying. Generally, the minimum weight of Novec for a rallycar will be 3kg.

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